Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm glad it's slowly getting to be fall, but I hate how I'll go outside expecting it to be cold and instead it's like 85.  Meh.

Today's video is of a rare carbonatite-volcano eruption.

Basically, magma is usually made up of silica tetrahedrons - SO_4_, one silica to four oxygen.  It makes something of a pyramid shape, which is what magma-based crystals end up looking like. 

The reason the lava looks black is because it contains more carbon based molecules than silicate based minerals.  It's really rare to see an a lava flow like this.

So I figured I'd throw up my schedule for this semester.

GEL 1300G
CHM 1310G
MAT 1441G
CMN 1310G

I also have a Geology lab and a Chemistry lab.

Next semester I'm thinking

Historical Geology
Chemistry II
Physics I

The only reason I'm taking the Biology course is because it's a required course, for whatever reason.  I don't know.  My course adviser said it was a stupid class, but I have to take it if I want to graduate.

Speaking of which, he was really impressed that I started college already knowing what I wanted my major to be.   I really was surprised that there are so many people undecided.  How can you be, with all the preparation they put us through in middle school/high school?  7 years of constantly trying to get us ready for life after compulsive education!

It boggles.

Anyway, I have a mineral identification lab tomorrow so I won't be on as much as I should be, so be prepared for a bit of a wait if you have questions, cause I have to study.



  1. You should use the embed feature for your videos. That way I don't need to navigate away to watch them. =)

  2. Yeah man, I know I should get that set up but I'm kinda bad at technology. I'll try next post

  3. Eh,I suppose Mr. Mudkipper.

    Also nice name. The Mudkip line is definitely one of the most usable lines to use competitively. They also look pretty damn cool.

    Maybe next post I'll cover some smogon sets or something.

  4. so, does that mean....

    you like mudkips?

  5. fall is definitley my favorite season. I hate sweating unless I am actually doing something. Sitting outside for 1 minute and sweating drives me INSANE.

  6. I know right? It doesn't feel right at all.

  7. that will be a very interessting semester
